Six Things You Shouldn't Do When It Comes To The The Four Color Process

The four-color process is one of your main options when it comes to color printing. If you're using this process for a printing project, you need to know how to create and print your design so that you achieve the highest quality end result. The following are six things you shouldn't do when it comes to the four-color process to optimize the quality of your print job.  Printing on paper that is not completely white

Why You Should Buy A Copier From A Copier Dealer

There are many different ways that you can purchase a copier for home or commercial use. You can look for a used model that is being sold by another individual or business, or you can order one online. You don't want to buy your copier from just anywhere, however. Instead, you will probably want to look for a good copier dealer to buy your copier from. If you don't really think it matters much, consider these reasons why it's a good idea to buy your copier from a copier dealer.