Two Reasons Why Your Small Business Should Invest In Newspaper Inserts

Although technology has certainly changed the way that many small businesses run their ad campaigns, there are some things that still remain relatively unaffected by the digital age.  One of these is the power of newspaper inserts.  Newspaper inserts are essentially colorful, print advertisements that are put into the newspapers that are delivered to subscribers and sold in stores.  A recent study revealed that 39% of adults who use the Internet still prefer to receive advertising inserts via newspapers.  Learning more about the benefits of using newspaper inserts will help you see why you should start using them for your small business.  

Newspaper Inserts Are More Affordable

One of the most compelling reasons why you should make newspaper inserts a part of your overall marketing campaign is because of their affordability.  Instead of spending valuable company capital on a direct mail campaign, you can take advantage of the pull-and-reach of an effective insert strategy.

Understand that when you use newspaper inserts, you already have a built-in viewership.  This occurs because the individuals who buy the newspaper generally do so because they're interested in one or more aspects of what the newspaper contains.  However, if you send out fliers or brochures direct to the consumer without the aid of another medium, the person may not be interested enough in your product to peruse the document.  This results in a missed, but often costly, opportunity.

Also, newspaper inserts work off the shared mail concept.  You are essentially splitting the cost of advertising space among more than one company.  This means you won't have to absorb the price for insert circulation on your own, since other businesses will pay a portion of the fee to market their products and services via inserts as well.

The cost effectiveness of newspaper inserts make them the perfect choice for small businesses.  You extend your reach without having to break the bank.

Newspaper Inserts Help You Reach Your Audience

Another reason why it's such a good idea to use newspaper inserts is because it gives you the opportunity to reach your intended audience.  You'll have complete control over which zip codes or cities receive your inserts.  You won't have to waste time and money advertising to a demographic of people who may not have a need for your products or services.

Using newspaper inserts may prove to be one of the best decisions you could have made.  Take your small business to the next level by investing in newspaper inserts as soon as possible.  Contact a company like Flottman Company for more information.
